On March 02, 2013, Sustainable Development Organization (SDO) in Collaboration with Pakistan Coalition for Education (PCE) and Oxfam GB organized a walk on Girls Education. Civil Society activists, Education Department managers,
Press Club Members, Teachers, Students and Focal persons of SDO participated in this walk. The walk started for Girls Higher Secondary School Saheli Sarkar where the students were holding play cards and banners with slogans “It’s My right, Make it Right”, the walk ended at GHSS
Saheli Sarkar where a program was organized to give awareness among community members, teachers and students regarding Girls Education. The president of Press Club Mr. Wahid Iqbal Butt was the Chief Guest of the Activity and community activists delivered different speeches on Importance of girls Education. In his Speech President of SDO Mr. Khurram Jamal Shahid said that Girls Education is a very important component which has been neglected many years especially in rural areas of Azad Kashmir. Education is the basic human right and females are deserving to observe same rights, but unfortunately our communities are mainly focusing on Male Education which is creating a negative impact on our society. We should give this basic right to girls and make them educated for a prosperous future our country. He thank Ms. Zehra Arshad, National Coordinator PCE and Pakistan Coalition for Education for supporting to access the quality education in Azad Kashmir.