AJK government should enact and implement Article 25-A of Right to free and compulsory education. Muzaffarabad
There are around 25 million children of the school going age not going to schools in Pakistan. Education has been made a fundamental right for children 5 to 16 years of age under Article 25 A of the Constitution of Pakistan. It has been two years gone since the introduction of Article 25-A in federal. Under the 18th amendment the provision of education is a provincial matter and responsibility for this function is set to be devolved to the provinces.
Child Rights Movement and its secretariat “Sustainable Development Organization” demands that AJ&K government and AJK Council should legislate for enactment and implementation the Article 25-A, “The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by law.” Furthermore Khurram Jamal Shahid the Coordinator of CRM Kashmir has demanded that the Education Policy should address the free and compulsory education for Kashmiri children.